Welcome to Ulrich Hamann's homepage.
Since December 2013 I work at the Radar, Satellite and Nowcasting department of MeteoSwiss in Locarno, Switzerland. My job is to improve the COALITION nowcasting system of
MeteoSwiss to accurately forecast thunderstorms within the next hours.
COALITION provides frequently updated short-term predictions of intensity, location and development of rainfall
to support meteorological, aeronautical and hydrological services as well as emergency agencies during intense precipitation events.
Therefore, a combination of radar, satellite, and numerical weather prediction datasets is used to
achieve optimal nowcasting results.
From 2010 until 2013 I worked as EUMETSAT fellow at the Weather Observations department
of the Dutch Weather Service KNMI.
My assignment was to investigate the current status of the most advanced cloud remote sensing algorithms
from passive imagers within the Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop (CREW).
I compared and validated the cloud remote sensing algorithm based on MSG/SEVIRI data of 12 major research institutes from Europe and the USA.
In this way, CREW is the currently largest inter-comparison campaign of Level 2 cloud remote sensing algoriths.
Furthermore, I adminstrated and extended the CREW database, created the CREW project website and contributed to organization of the meetings of the CREW community:
CREW-3 in Madison/Wisconsin (USA) in November 2011 and
CREW-4 in Grainau (Germany) in March 2014.
In the meanwhile the CREW project was endored as
International Cloud Working Group
within the
the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS)
Until 2010 I was a PhD student at the
Atmospheric Remote Sensing group of the
Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere
of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany).
For my PhD thesis I did reseach on
The radiative heating rate in the tropical tropopause region
and contributed to the development of the radiative transfer program
My research interests are:
- Nowcasting (convetion, thunderstorms, rain, hail, wind gusts, solar energy)
- Simulation of radiative transfer in the Earth's atmosphere
- Remote sensing of the clouds, aerosols, tracegases, and precipitation from satellites
- Project management and international cooperations
- Climate science and mitigation to climate change