This page summarizes my scientific career, including memberships, personal skills and practical training.
Content of this page:
These are the institutes, where I studied or worked:

Curriculum Vitae
Dates |
01. October 2020 - 31. September 2023 |
EUMETSAT fellowship |
Supervising a three year EUMETSAT fellowship (Jussi Leinonen)
Fellowship title: "Thunderstorm Detection and Nowcasting using multi-sensor datasets and advanced Machine Learning"
Dates |
01. May 2020 - 31 January 2021 |
Internship |
Supervising a nine months internship (Livia Näf)
Trainee in "Development of a multi-sensor nowcasting algrithm of atmospheric instability (temperature and humidity profiles)"
Dates |
01. May 2019 - 31. November 2019 |
Internship |
Supervising a seven months internship (Shruti Nath)
Trainee in "Optimization of thunderstorm nowcasting and quantification its uncertainty"
Dates |
01. July 2018 - 31. March 2019 |
Internship |
Supervising a nine months internship (Joel Zeder)
Trainee in "Automatic Generation of Thunderstorm Warnings using Machine Learning Methods"
Dates |
01. May 2017 - 31. January 2018 |
Internship |
Supervising a nine months internship (Lea Beusch)
Satellite-Based Rainfall Retrieval: From Generalized
Linear Models to Artificial Neural Networks
Dates |
01. January - 30. September 2016 |
Internship |
Supervising a nine months internship (Elena Leonarduzzi)
Internship within COALITION - Second Generation
Benefits of satellite observations for thunderstorm nowcasting
Computer skills and competences |
Sound programming skills (6 years of software development)
in C, Fortran 70/90/95, IDL, Matlab, cvs, svn, cdo, html, MPI, gawk,
condor, gle, latex, MS-office
Experienced with the operating systems Linux, Unix and Windows
Native language |
German |
Other languages |
English (very good)
Italian (good)
French (basics)
Dutch (basics) |
Dates |
2003 - 2004 |
Courses |
Two courses in Astrophysics and one course called About glaciers and polar lights for school peoples, who visited the
Leibniz University of Hannover in the framework of the
Gauß-AG, each course had 10 x 2h, Organisation and content was up to the teacher..
Dates |
27. August 2018 - 7. September 2018 |
Kind of training |
Machine Learning Summer School 2018 |
Principal subjects |
Modern methods of statistical machine learning, data analysis and inference:
Optimization, Deep Learning, Causal Inference, Optimization and Prob. Numerics,
Machine learning and causal inference for personalized decision making, Gaussian Processes,
Neural Language Models, Kernel Methods, Bayesian Deep Learning, GANs, Reinforcement Learning,
Bayesian Non-parametrics |
Institution |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain |
Location of the course |
Madrid, Spain |
Dates |
20. May 2015 - 18. October 2015 |
Kind of training |
Exploiting Supercomputers and Containers for Data Science |
Principal subjects |
Practical training with container technologies such as Docker and Shifter, container deployment for HPC Environments,
create and support workloads that are able to run efficiently and easily on platforms ranging from laptops to HPC Centers,
respect to portability and reproducibility, containerization of very complex software stacks composed of anything from
Python to GPU-enabled code. |
Institution |
CSCS Swiss National Supercomputing Centre |
Location of the course |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Dates |
20. May 2015 - 18. October 2015 |
Kind of training |
Coursera course on Machine learning |
Principal subjects |
(i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms,
support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering,
dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine
learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). |
Institution |
https://www.coursera.org/ |
Location of the course |
online training course |
Dates |
04. May 2015 - 07. May 2015 |
Kind of training |
Python Onsite Training Course |
Principal subjects |
Python Programming |
Institution |
Bernd Klein https://www.python-kurs.eu |
Location of the course |
Locarno, Switzerland |
Dates |
10. June - 28. October 2011 |
Kind of training |
Satellite Image Interpretation and Applications Course |
Principal subjects |
Satellite remote sensing |
Institution |
Eumetcal / EUMeTrain |
Location of the course |
online training course |
Dates |
15. - 20. September 2008 |
Kind of training |
Atmospheric Training Course |
Principal subjects |
Radiative transfer, satellite remote sensing, validation, assimilation |
Institution |
European Space Agency |
Location of the course |
University of Oxford, Great Britain |
Dates |
03. - 15. October 2005 |
Kind of training |
Cargese international school |
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered |
Upper Troposphere, lower stratosphere (observation, assimilation, modeling) |
Program |
Cost Action 723 |
Location of the course |
Cargese, Corse, France |
Dates |
01. July 2000 - 20. August 2000 |
Kind of training |
Practical training |
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered |
Gravity waves in the atmosphere |
Name and type of organisation |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) Oberpfaffenhofen
Muenchener Str. 20
82234 Wessling (Germany) |
Dates |
01. November 2003 - 30. March 2005 |
Title of qualification awarded |
Diploma of meteorology (final grade: very good) |
Title of the thesis |
The Development of the Monte-Carlo transfer model PROMT |
Name and type of organisation |
Institute for Meteorology and Climatology
Leibniz University of Hannover
Herrenhaeuser Str. 2, 30419 Hanover, Germany |
Dates |
01. August 2002 - 31. July 2003 |
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered |
Studies of arctic geophysics (remote sensing, oceanography, polar meteorology,
processes in snow and ice, radar diagnostic of space plasma) |
Name and type of organisation |
The University Center in Svalbard, UNIS
Longyearbyen, Norway |
Dates |
01. October 2000 - 31. July 2002 |
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered |
Studies of meteorology (radiative transfer, synoptics, turbulence, boundary layer theory,
thermodynamics, convection, remote sensing) |
Name and type of organisation |
Institute for Meteorology and Climatology
Leibniz University of Hannover
Herrenhaeuser Str. 2, 30419 Hanover, Germany |
Dates |
01. October 1998 - 30. September 2000 |
Title of qualification awarded |
Intermediate Diploma (Vordiplom) in Physics (final grade: very good) |
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered |
University courses in linear algebra, analysis, experimental and
theoretical physics, basics of meteorology... |
Name and type of organisation |
Faculty for mathematics and physics
Leibniz University of Hannover
Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hanover, Germany |
Dates |
01. August 1984 - 31. July 1997 |
Title of qualification awarded |
German school leaving examination "Abitur" (final grade: very good) |
Name and address of the school |
Hirtenweg 20
30926 Seelze, Germany